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Legal updates

19 November 2012 Employment advice

Last month, Gillian Reid explained when the TUPE rules apply. This month, Gill highlights a couple of mistakes for employers to avoid in a TUPE situation. Changing terms of employment Any changes made by the new employer to terms of employment will be void, if the reason for the change is the transfer or a reason connected with it. This makes it very difficult to harmonise terms and conditions of employment. If changes are made to an employee's contract that are to his detriment, he can resign and claim constructive dismissal. Automatic unfair dismissal Any dismissal of an employee with the necessary qualifying period of service (which is one or two years, depending on when he started work), will be automatically unfair if the reason for the dismissal was the transfer or a reason connected…

11 November 2012 Employment advice

Changing terms and conditions of employment is one way of reducing payroll costs without having to make staff redundant. But, as ever, it is important to follow the correct employment procedures and look out for a number of pitfalls. Examples of changes to terms of employment include: scaling back working hours reducing the number of days of work cutting pay by a percentage. You can vary a contract of employment in two ways. The first is if the contract of employment allows you to do so and the second is with the agreement of the employee. If your contracts do not include any of these terms, you will need to obtain agreement from your employees to the changes you wish to make. This can be done in three ways: You can seek…
11 October 2012 Employment advice

The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations - known as "TUPE" - have been in force in various forms for over 30 years. Despite this, the law is still developing through case law. TUPE stems from a European directive and is intended to protect employees' rights where the business in which they work is transferred; and any attempt to avoid it will be void. Gillian Reid explains when TUPE applies, although some of these rules are relaxed where the business is insolvent and specialist advice should always be taken in this situation. TUPE applies to company asset sales where the whole or part of a business is transferred to a new owner. It does not apply to company share sales, where the identity of the employer stays the same. TUPE also applies to service…
04 July 2012 Employment advice

Gillian Reid continues to answer some tricky questions from employers regarding employment procedures and maternity leave: What do I do about bonuses during an employee's maternity leave? This is a difficult area and the answer depends on the reason for the bonus. If it is to reward work done, payment only has to be made on a pro rata basis for the weeks when the employee was at work plus the two week compulsory maternity leave period immediately after the birth. Other types of bonus - such as a loyalty bonus or a Christmas bonus - will be payable in full. What happens if I need to make a woman on maternity leave redundant? This is permitted but an employee who is at risk of redundancy while on maternity leave has the right to be…
15 June 2012 Employment advice

The rules regarding maternity leave and pay are complex and employees are increasingly knowledgeable about their rights.  In addition, the rules change on a regular basis, all of which means that it is easy for employers to get it wrong.  This month and next month, we look at some common questions employers ask and provide the answers: What happens to holiday entitlement during maternity leave? Both statutory and contractual annual leave entitlement accrue during maternity leave.  A woman cannot take holiday while on maternity leave but can take it immediately before her maternity leave starts and after it ends.  If holiday cannot be taken in the current holiday year, an employee should be allowed to carry it forward to the next leave year. Can an annual pay rise wait until an employee returns from maternity…
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