York - 01904 716000
Wetherby - 01937 583210
Malton - 01653 692247
Wetherby 01937 583210
Malton 01653 692247

Wills Lawyers York, Wetherby & Malton

Does your Will reflect your current circumstances?

If you don't have a Will, or have not reviewed it for while, we would strongly recommend that you do have a Will drawn up for the following reasons:

Many people who do not make a Will believe that assets will go to their nearest and dearest. Sadly, this is not always the case.

If you do have a Will but have not reviewed it for a while, it is important that you do take a look at your Will to ensure that it still correctly reflects your wishes and also takes account of any changes in your circumstances.  For example:

  • Changes in family or financial circumstances - e.g. divorce, re-marriage, additional dependents, inheritance etc
  • The age or death of a beneficiary or an executor
  • The need to plan for future circumstances - e.g. tax planning, minimising nursing home fees etc

If, having considered the above, you wish to make or renew your Will, please contact us.  We can offer:

  • A fixed price for making your Will at a competitive rate
  • FREE Will storage
  • Wealth of experience in preparing Wills

Lasting Powers of Attorney

In addition, you may be interested in our Lasting Powers of Attorney expertise. When we plan for the future it is essential to consider the possibility of becoming unable to look after our own affairs because of physical or mental incapacity, whether brought on by an accident, illness or old age which may make everyday tasks such as paying bills, managing a budget and making financial and welfare decisions difficult, stressful and, in some cases, impossible.

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a document which appoints someone (or more than one person) as your attorney, so they can help make those important decisions on your behalf if you become incapable of doing so for yourself. There are two types of LPA. One deals with property and finances and the other deals with personal welfare matters, such as where you live, medical care and life sustaining treatment. This type of LPA can only be used if you are unable to make decisions yourself

If you require further information about Lasting Powers of Attorney, please contact the Wills & Probate team at Ware & Kay at York or Wetherby on 01904 716000 or 01937 583210 , or complete our online contact form.

Writing a Will Solicitors York, Wetherby & Malton

Call us today on 01904 716000 (York) or 01937 583210 (Wetherby) or 01653 692247 (Malton), or complete our online contact form.

Contact us
Emma Elwess Bio
Emma Elwess Director – Wills & Probate
Wetherby Office, Malton Office

Contact Emma

Sian Foster
Sian Foster Director - Wills & Probate
York Office

Contact Sian

Danielle Bebbington Solicitor – Wills & Probate
York Office

Contact Danielle

Laura Carter
Laura Carter Associate – Wills & Probate
Malton Office

Contact Laura

Sarah Collier Bio
Sarah Collier Associate – Wills & Probate
Wetherby Office

Contact Sarah

Deborah Gilpin Senior Associate – Deputy Head of Wills & Probate
York Office

Contact Deborah

Vicki Long Chartered Legal Executive – Wills & Probate
York Office

Contact Vicki

Laura Schofield Bio
Laura Schofield Head of Wills & Probate (Wetherby)
Wetherby Office

Contact Laura

Laura Carter
Lynne Smith Associate - Wills & Probate
Malton Office

Contact Lynne