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Legal updates

18 December 2018 Wills and estates

Every year thousands of people die without making a Will, perhaps thinking that their home and their money will simply pass to their partner or children.  However, the legal position is not that straightforward – if someone dies without a Will, there are rules setting out how their money, property and possessions should be divided.  In many cases this won’t be what the person who has died would have chosen. Here are some examples of how the rules apply: Example 1 – married or in a civil partnership Although you might think that everything will pass to your spouse or civil partner, this may not be the case depending on the value of your estate.  Example 2 – separated If you have informally separated but not divorced or legally ended your civil partnership, your…

21 October 2018 Employment advice

With only months to go until the UK leaves the EU, businesses and individuals are trying to plan for Brexit amidst uncertainty. Gillian Reid, employment law expert with Ware & Kay Solicitors in York, Wetherby & Malton , looks at what we know about the likely affect of Brexit on UK employment law and the rights of EU workers, both in the event of a deal and a no deal exit. Gill also highlights a couple of changes in employment rights for October. How will Brexit affect employment law? The UK's membership of the EU has significantly shaped employment law in the UK, much of which is based on EU law. In the time immediately after Brexit, it is unlikely there will be any changes to employment law. Unless the EU and the UK agree…
15 October 2018 Employment advice

With reports about differences in pay between high profile men and women seemingly in the news on a daily basis at the moment, there cannot be many people in the UK who have not wondered how their pay compares to colleagues of the opposite sex. In this article, Gillian Reid, employment law expert with Ware & Kay in York, Wetherby & Malton , explains the rules on equal pay and what you, as an employer, can do to ensure you comply with them. The law in a nutshell Under the Equal Pay Act 2010, it is illegal to pay men and women in the same organisation different amounts for doing equal work, unless there is a justification for doing so. To be classed as equal work, the work being compared must be: the same…
22 September 2018 Wills and estates

September is Alzheimer's month. To mark the occasion, and help raise awareness of the issues faced by dementia suffers and their families, Ian Fisher Head of Wills & Probate with Ware & Kay in York, Wetherby & Malton , provides an overview of the practical legal steps you can take to help protect yourself and your loved ones. 'Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia and affects millions of people around the world. Receiving a diagnosis can be devastating and immediate thoughts will inevitably turn to treatment and healthcare support. However, it is also important to think about the legal and financial implications of a disease that will erode your ability to make decisions for yourself. Dealing with these issues at an early stage, while you still have the mental capacity to do so…
20 September 2018 Wills and estates

Making a Will is one of those things that people often put off, particularly when busy with family and work commitments.  However, it is important to take the time to think about how you would like your family and assets to be looked after on your death. Why should I make a Will? There are many reasons to make a Will: To avoid the intestacy rules (which provide for certain relatives to benefit when someone dies without a Will) - for example, to benefit an unmarried partner To make sure your personal belongings go to the people you choose To appoint guardians for minor children To leave a gift to a charity Inheritance tax planning   I already have a Will - should I review it? A Will is an important document that…
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