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15 June 2016 Firm updates

Wetherby beat Thorne 28 : 23 in the top of the table clash From left: Michael Peach (Director, Ware & Kay), Danny Warden (First Team Captain) Wetherby's flair overcame  the power of the Thorne forwards in a very tense and gripping match which was in doubt until the very end! From left: Charlie Wetton (Chairman of the Seniors), Michael Peach (Director, Ware & Kay), Jonathan Hirst (Chairman of the Juniors)  
15 June 2016 Litigation

There's an old saying that we don't choose our relatives, and equally it's very rare that we choose our neighbours. Fortunately, most of us are lucky to get on with those living next to us.However, for those who are not so fortunate, the time when it was relatively inexpensive to move, if you didn't get on with your neighbours, has long since gone. Apart from the stresses and strains of running battles with those living next door, disputes can be a problem when you come to sell. If you have a dispute with your neighbour, this has to be disclosed to anyone interested in buying your property. Some potential buyers may not be worried about a dispute you have with your neighbours, but many will not take such a relaxed attitude. The moral in all…
15 May 2016 Litigation

There can be all sorts of reasons for lending money to friends or family, from helping loved ones through a tough time, to perhaps putting a deposit down on a property, helping out with home alterations or assisting in the purchase of a car. Understandably we all prefer to take it on trust that we will be repaid and that there won't be any falling out. Things can go wrong, however. We live in tough economic times. The person you lend to might suffer a relationship breakdown or become one of the increasing number who lose their job or are made bankrupt. If you are lending a modest sum of money, which you feel you can afford to lose with good grace, that is one thing. But what about a larger sum of money which…
05 May 2016 Firm updates

REASONS TO MAKE A WILL: You can control who will inherit your belongings after your death You will be able to plan for future tax implications You could make provision for protecting against nursing home fees   LASTING POWERS OF ATTORNEY: Property & Financial Affairs Operating your bank accounts or investments Paying your bills Dealing with your property   Health & Welfare Giving/refusing consent to medical treatment Decisions about long term care arrangements   Let us give you peace of mind knowing that your affairs are settled by helping you to draw up a Will and Lasting Power of Attorney for a special package price. Call us for more details.
28 April 2016 Firm updates

Ware & Kay Solicitors are gearing up for another Tour de Yorkshire with riders passing their Wetherby offices on Friday 29th April. To make the most of this, Ware & Kay are supporting the local cycle shop, Wetherby Bike Shack, who are marking the event with some exciting activities for the community to take part in as they wait for the cyclists to race through the town. Dean Buckle, owner of the Wetherby Bike Shack and "Townsperson of the Year" is the driving force behind the Tour de Yorkshire events in conjunction with the Wetherby Town Council.  Dean is rallying the business community together including volunteers from the Wetherby Lions, the Fire Brigade and Sant' Angelo's Restaurant to create a fun day to enable the people of Wetherby and visitors to enjoy the full benefits…
28 April 2016 Employment advice

As an employer it can be difficult to balance the needs of your business with the rights of employees. This is particularly true in relation to pregnancy and maternity rights.  However, most employers would agree that it is in their interests to support employees who are pregnant or on maternity leave. If an employee feels they have been treated unfairly due to their pregnancy or maternity leave, they may be entitled to make a discrimination claim. Gillian Reid, employment law specialist at Ware & Kay Solicitors in York & Wetherby, looks at the rights of pregnant employees, and those on maternity leave, and advises how employers can avoid discrimination claims. The different types of discrimination Pregnancy and maternity are protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010, which prohibits discrimination in the workplace. Pregnancy and maternity…
22 April 2016 Wills and estates

Local Solicitor Sian Foster from Ware & Kay Solicitors based in York, Wetherby & Malton has joined a number of organisations representing older and vulnerable people to raise serious concerns around the Government's online tool for creating Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs). An LPA is a powerful legal document that allows a person to appoint trusted individuals to make important decisions about care and finances on their behalf, in the event of a loss of mental capacity through an accident or illness such as dementia. In May 2014, the Government's Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) launched its online LPA tool, which it claims allows people to create the documents without the need for professional advice from a solicitor. But a new report, published by a coalition of organisations led by SFE, warns that anyone…
11 April 2016 Employment advice

Employment law is always changing and, as an employer, you need to stay up to date with developments in order to ensure that you are acting lawfully. Most employment law changes take place in April and October each year. Gillian Reid, Head of Employment at Ware & Kay Solicitors in York & Wetherby, looks at what is happening in April 2016 and what you need to do. National living wage The introduction of the national living wage on 1 April 2016 is the biggest change to occur in April. It will be payable to workers who are aged 25 and over and the initial rate will be £7.20 per hour. It is effectively a top-up rate of the national minimum wage. It has been estimated that 50 per cent of employers will need to increase…
07 April 2016 Firm updates

Leave your legacy to help us continue ours... If, like many other people you have been putting off writing your Will, this is your chance to put that right. Ware & Kay Solicitors has teamed up with Martin House to give you the opportunity to have your basic Will written for just £60 or £110 (inc. VAT) for a pair of basic matching (mirror) Wills - a considerable discount on their usual price. Legacies are vitally important to Martin House. In fact, they make up more than a quarter of our entire voluntary income, meaning the cost of caring for one in four of our children is covered by gifts left in Wills. Over half of UK adults have not made a Will. It's not always easy to think about what might happen when…
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